High-Quality Solutions for Jobs of All Sizes
Metals Engineering continually invests in world-class machinery and software solutions with our customers’ needs in mind, allowing us to deliver results for every customer.

Our car bottom furnaces feature:
Batch furnaces come in a variety of styles including car bottom, box, pit, or bell, and operate with or without a controlled atmosphere. Batch furnaces handle one workload at a time and may be integrated with material handling. Our batch furnaces are capable of processing parts in endothermic gas or inert gasses.


Induction heating accomplishes metal hardening by introducing electrical current to the material. With our equipment we are capture and record data for each item run through the system, ensuring consistency in hardened areas and depth of hardness for parts
Metals Engineering has multi-spindle and single-spindle units and is capable of designing tooling to meet specific requirements for unique parts.